Award Shows
It appears that the Groovy Guy contest originated through the Advocate newspaper (later Advocate magazine) in Los Angeles, California.
Groovy Guy Contest, Los Angeles, 1968-1991. Per website Origins: 1968-1969 Groovy Guy Contest, Los Angeles, 1968-1991
Out History: It's About Time The Groovy Guy contest was started by Sam Winston in 1968 as a marketing tool for the then newly formed Advocate magazine and as a way to unite the Los Angeles gay community around a contest that moved away from drag events. The contest can be seen as the start of the split in the early seventies between the GLBT community. The co-sponsor for the first contest was the gay club The Hayloft, where the first contest was held.
Now for Portland, Oregon 1969
*PLEASE NOTE – PER AD 1972 it states “THIRD YEAR”
*Per Gay Oregon History ( website: 1969 brought to bear the first Groovy Guy, Richard Calhoun. Blonde and bronzed, this magnificent beauty was the epitome of the buffed gay male in the late 60s. Each successive pageant brought forth another "studly" specimen to represent the community as Groovy Guy. [This may not be true – it appears that Richard may have won for the year 1969/1970 per all the data collected)
1970 Year # 1
Winner: *Richard Calhoun
Held at unknown
Date: unknown
At this time, no photos or information can be found for this event.
1971 -Year # 2
Winner: Joe L *
Held at unknown
Date: unknown
Per article in the June 1971 issue of The Fountain, Joe. L “the new groovy guy” is mentioned.
1972 – Year # 3
[per ad “Portland’s Third Annual”]
Winner: Blaine Devers
Held at McIver State Park
Date: August 6, 1972
Above ad in The Fountain, July 1972 Below article in The Fountain, September 1972 about the picnic
The Fountain ad February 1973 “Feeling Groovy” event with Blaine at Town Pump Tavern located at 919 SW 2nd and an article ran about the event in The Fountain, May 1973 issue.
Left: Ad in July 1973, The Fountain Right: August 1973 – The Fountain. Blaine’s Farewell.
1973 - Year # 4
Winner: Leo Gaul
Held at Wildwood Park
Date: July 29, 1973
Photos above are “preselection held at the Demas Tavern. Photos include Blaine Bevers in a silver jumpsuit, and Robin Robinette in an orange jumpsuit, Empress Darcelle XV in a leather jumpsuit. Then the picnic.
Right: Article in The Fountain, August 1973
Note: LEO (Concho) (Gaul) won Cowboy Contest in Vancouver BC page 15 July 1973 issue of The Fountain newspaper. Leo’s celebration party was held at the Town Pump - see info and photos under Bars/Tavern/Restaurants - Town Pump. Photo below is from “Official Passport” The Portland Forum booklet November 4, 1973.
1974 Year # 5
Held at unknown
Date unknown
Groovy Guy introductions at the 2nd Anniversary party at Dahl & Penne in June 1974. Leo is on the microphone, Robin with a red scarf and hat.
Both photos have David Hamilton/Mame [in hat] with guests.
Photo below is the winner - need name.
Left: Front Row past winners Leo, Richard, Blaine
Back row contestants for 1974
1975 Year # 6
The final year
Winner: Bruce Watson*
Held at unknown
Date unknown
Above Left photo is from the outdoor competition. The Above Right photo shows Empress Elsa Daniels on a microphone and Groovy Guy Bruce kneeling; both were at the 1975 Czarina Ball.
Northwest Gay Review November 1974 “…congratulations to Doni Lame’ and best wishes to Rose Empress XVII with the addition: Just one of the following is enough to make you a regular at the Focal Point – Embers! Randy, Steve, John Thibodeau, Bess, Klynn, Tom Terrific, Hamburger Sandy, “Groovy Guy 75 Bruce” – [See Side Door Tavern also]
*Per and email from Robin Robinette July 27, 2022, “I was Groovy Guy in 1975, Bruce Watson had actually won that year, but after a few months decided to resign, and asked me if I would finish the year, as I had been the runner-up.”
citations & references:
His duties included escorting the Empress to various functions over 15 years before the election of the first Rose Emperor.
At some point between 1975-1980, (which I have been unable to establish definitively) the title of Groovy Guy was deemed "out of date and/or unsophisticated" and the title was changed to Mr. Gay Oregon. Time marched on and Mr. Gay Oregon continued to be elected at the Forum Picnics.
Gay Oregon History (
In the late '60s, a "Groovy Guy" was more to the city of Portland than just another flower child. He was a well-built gay man elected at the Portland Forum's annual All-City Picnic to represent the Gay community.
These picnics, held at various parks including Wildwood at the base of Mt. Hood, Sauvies Island outside of St. Helens, Rooster Rock in the Columbia Gorge, and the Paizzano Club on the edge of Gresham, [*Question is the name of the club misspelled? Per the website: The only club that had acres was this: Club Paesano is a non-profit 501 (c) 7 organization. It was created for the social and recreational benefits of its members and to thereby encourage and develop a spirit of comradeship, friendship, and community service.
In years gone past. . . the Gardeners and Ranchers Association, who were primarily Italian produce dealers and farmers in the Portland area, held an annual picnic. They decided in early 1955 to terminate the picnic.
This didn’t sit well for a group of second generations of Italians. They wanted to continue this annual affair, so they gathered a group of interested individuals, and each contributed $20 towards expenses to continue a picnic on the first Sunday in August. Cedarville Park was rented for $25. The picnic was successful.
Due to interest, it was decided to organize “Club Paesano.” It was incorporated in the state of Oregon on September 14, 1955.
Since Club Paesano had rented the park in the past, they were contacted and advised of the proposed sale. In September 1975, members of Club Paesano decided to purchase the property. The property was incorporated as a Club Paesano/Cedarville Park and monies were acquired from the sale of shares to those interested members. One would need to be a member of Club Paesano in order to purchase shares.
Members are proud of Cedarville Park and our rustic lodge. Located just minutes from Portland on a beautifully grassed 11-acre private park with cedar, fir, maple, and alder trees. The “Home of Club Paesano.”] were glorious affairs attended by the who's who of the gay community?
Silver and crystal-adorned many of the tables while tunes of the times played out over the borrowed sound system. For a nominal fee, participants could enjoy an all-day feast and froth, while playing amidst some of Oregon’s finest scenery. The community bars and beer vendors supplied food, beer, and wine and the bar owners themselves pitched in to cook and serve up a bountiful banquet. This party was said to have been a "labor of love" with everyone pitching in to ensure its success.
Contestants for the title of "Groovy Guy" would purchase a ticket and were allowed to walk the stage, either modeling, performing, and/or posing for the crowd. Some years, winners were chosen by audience appeal, other times winners were chosen by a panel of judges. In all cases, they were chosen based on good looks and sex appeal. Simply put, this was a beefcake pageant!!!
1969 brought to bear the first Groovy Guy, Richard Calhoun. Blonde and bronzed, this magnificent beauty was the epitome of the buffed gay male in the late 60s. Each successive pageant brought forth another "studly" specimen to represent the community as Groovy Guy. The Groovy Guy of the late 60s and early 70s was the forerunner to the Emperor and proved to be the predecessor to the Mr. Gay Oregon we know today.
Name and date unknown at Darcelle XV Showplace