Bars, Restaurants, & Taverns


The only item found about this business is below:

July 1982 NW Fountain, page 25 bar listing in East Portland When you head out to southeast Portland for a cold beer at JR’s don’t pass the spot for a sandwich. It’s about a half block east of the Bagdad theatre and across the street from Freddie’s [Fred Meyer]. And it’s so small it’s easy to overlook. [continuing] Russ and Bob opened in late August of last year. They are only seven tables [for 16 people]. The spot is carpeted and decorated with stained glass room dividers, an aquarium, bookshelves, plenty of plants, and a stereo system.

More information and research is needed on this business.

3766 SW Hawthorne  B-E-E-F-C-A-N

Years: 1981 – 1982 ?

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