United Ebony Kingdom
Logo above from the 1976 Los Conquistadores Coronation and El Cid III Contest program
Cited in I Love Portland “A Guide To the Portland Court System and Its Organizations” in 1976 a booklet stated, “another public service of Tom Terrific” The United Ebony Kingdom is one of the newest action organizations in the Portland gay community. The present 25 members Queen II Leora (Lee) are working at creating incentive and motivation in every person of every nationality to work together side by side, in accomplishing harmony and love in the community of Portland and surrounding areas. Begun in the fall of 1974, the group’s primary objective was to give a feeling of belonging, recognition, participation, and unity to what they felt was a minority within a minority. In the short time of their existence have become a lively, and much-appreciated addition to the Portland scene. They raise funds for charities like the Victorian Nursing Home, have served free dinners on holidays, and participate in other organizational efforts. For information and membership contact them through Willie Tucker at 2837 S.E. 19th Portland, Oregon, or Desi Freeman, 1631 SW Yamhill #306 in Portland, Oregon 97204.
Below program supplied by Kimberlee Van Patten 3/9/2023
Queen 1 of the United Ebony Kingdom, Portland 1974-75, Irvina
Page S-11 of the Northwest Gay Review November 1974 issue under Northwest Calendar Portland November 9th Darcelle XV – The United Ebony Kingdom of Portland invites you to Brunch KOL “BOL” Together SOL – Food like it really is – Hosted by Queen Irvina, Princess Leora, Darcelle XV
Page 12, Northwest Gay Review October 1975 CALENDAR – Portland
Dahl & Penne – Saturday, Oct 4. 1975 Coronation of Queen II, United Ebony Kingdom 9-?
January-Feb 1976 issue of Northwest Gay Review under Calendar Portland January Sunday 18th Crowning of Queen Carlotta II and El Cid by Los Conquistadores 6:30 pm Town Hall $4
July 1976 issue of Northwest Gay Review page 2, Calendar – Sun. Jul y18 United Ebony Court Meeting, 3 pm Crystal Pistal
Per the book A Curious and Peculiar People, “The United Ebony Kingdom was formed and elected Irvina - what else? — their first queen to forever hold title of United Queen Mother Supreme. Their interests are social, favoring minority groups, whether they be black, white, indigo, male. Female or whatever may lie in between.”
· Per an article written for the GLAPN’s Reflections section of the 1993 Portland Gay*Lesbian*Bi*Trans Pride Parade & Festival June 20-21, 1993, page 20, 21 Memories of the Dahl and Penne by Irving Lambert, AKA Irvina 1 Imperial Queen Grand Mama to the Ebony Promise of the Imperial Sovereign Rose Court of Oregon
“Dahl & Penne is a place I could never forget. I had some good times there. Hell, I had some great times there! For some people Dahl & Penne was their home away from home. Known to all as D&P’s it was the “in” place to be in the ’70s and ’80s. It was Portland’s first gay living room and like any other foster home, there were foster parents. In this case it was Sami and Gene, a husband and wife that were more like Mother and Father than most parents were. In those days to be gay wasn’t as “in” as it is today.
D&P’s also was one of Portland’s three drag show bars of the ’70s and ’80s. first, there was the Magic Gardens. Second was Demas Tavern which is now Darcelle XV. Thank God for Darcelle who pushed a few tables together and we had a stage. Now Demas was THE REAL gay fun spot in Old Town, so uptown came number three stage—D&P’s back room run by the one and only Vanessa. It was the stage that made some great stars. In those days I was on all three stages at one time or another. Some Friday nights I could do Demas’ first show and do Vanessa’s last show. I was in the first group of showgirls. The name is Irvina. Some of the other girls of that time were Vanessa, Darcelle, Rochelle, Lillian Carter, and Leroa, but the star at Demas was Tina Sandel.
Sunday brunch at D&P’s was the place to be. The food was good, and the drinks were made with much love and care. On many of these Sunday afternoons Emperors and Empresses were made or talked about as well as Kings and Queens-we, all worked with the Imperial Court and enjoyed it very much. Those were the days when you were glad to say you were part of the Court, The United Ebony Kingdom was started at a small meeting at Demas’s and given birth at a Sunday brunch at D&P’s. Sami and Gene were at the birth and became members. Almost everybody had something to do with the Kingdom. Walter Cole who was soon to become Darcelle was a member. Vanessa was member. Some of our members went on to become Emperors and Empresses. There was Candi Wrapper, Melody Starr, and many more. The Kingdom had two homes, Demas and D&P’s. Demas was to soon become Darcelle XV and with the name change came a stage. The shows in D&P’s back room will always be remembered by those who will tell their real age. We had a light man that was a real pro. If Don liked you were made to look ever so pretty, but if he didn’t, look out! You would be the green lady and not even know it until you left the stage.
Dahl & Penne’s was the first gay bar in Portland to have an anniversary party. I mean a real party. Sami and Gene went all out. There were people there from everywhere. One of the good things about D&P’s was that you had both gays and straights and there were very few fights. When it came to drinking, Sami and Gene could keep up with the best of us, and that they did! They had fun with us, and we were good to them. We spent money and on Ball weekends you went to every bar in town, but you would start and end at D&P’s.
Foil could have a great breakfast at the bar, along with your cocktail. And if you were a regular you could go into the kitchen and cook your own. Hell, Ms. Lillian Carter was known to go in and cook her something and take half the kitchen home with her! As I said, it was home away from home. There are no fun places like that today. Even the older gays had a place to go and feel at home Sami had a way with everyone and we all loved her.
In the Winter of 1983, D&P closed its doors, so it was time for one last party—the really big one. There were people here from near and far. Sami and Gene had made many friends over the years, and they all wanted to be here for that last goodbye. There was one last show in the back room. And what a show it was- At noon the show started and went on until the wee hours of the next morning. Even some of the guys were in the show. To name a few, there was Frank S. (don’t even try to spell his last name), Willie Tucker, and Harold Strong. They had all been, a part of D&P’s long life and like the rest of us didn’t want to see it close. But all good things come to an end, and at 2:30 or a cold December morning, the doors were locked, but the party went on. No one wanted to be the first to leave. Many of us miss D&P’s, and I for can say that I’m very glad that D&P was a part of my life. If there is ever a star placed to remember a bar, it should be at Second and Alder. Dahl & Penne’s was the Star of all bars and always be remembered.”
March 1976, Northwest Gay Review, CALENDAR PORTLAND – March 14, Sun. Reflection in my eye, D & P’s, 7pm, United Ebony Kingdom Show and Benefit
Calendar Portland page 2 – Sun. August 9 Ebony Court presents Irvina and Willie at D & P’s July 1976.
Below Left is from the August 1976 Northwest Gay Review where Sunday, August 8 “UNITED EBONY KINGDOM presents, “You, Me, and the Blues” with Queen Mother Irvina, Willie Tucker, and Empress XVIII Mona. Then again on Sunday, August 29, UNITED EBONY KINGDOM presents “Heart, Body & Soul” starring Irvina, Leora & Lillian. Below Right is an article in the Capitol Forum newspaper (Salem, Oregon) December 1981.
It is unclear how many Queen’s were within the United Ebony Kingdom court and when the court ended. It is known that Irvina was the first. However, Per Facebook post by Kimberlee Van Patten on February 13, 2023 states, “Queen of the United Ebony Kingdom, Debonique Richards, became Miss Gay Oregon XII, in 1984, along with Ms. Gay Oregon II Patti Wild.”[photo below] Which number Debonique Richards was is unknown as well.