181 SW Washington and SW 11th
Years: 1980-1981
The photo above from Northwest Fountain, March 1980 SW 11th/Washington per PORTLAND MAP in March 1980 NW Fountain.
citations & references:
Story: Per the book, A Curious and Peculiar People by David Grant Kohl page 199, “succumbed to the economy.”
Per Lanny Swerdlow in a face-to-face interview in October 2021 in Palm Springs stated, “Tropique’ Disco opened, but that was for an all-age club – not serving alcohol. My club, Metropolis charged a cover of $5.00. You can’t sell a Pepsi and expect to make any money or stay in business too long. In direct competition, Tropique’ decided not to charge a cover. Tropique’ did not last long.”
See Portland’s Gay Youth Committee under Youth-Underage Per Northwest Fountain newspaper, issue in March 1980 a new youth group was stated and held meetings at this place.
Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1981 notations “Teenie boppers” (Next to Bear Hollow WONDERING IF THEY MEANT BEAR HALL SALOON)
Not Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1982-1989