April 1, 196? – June 13, 2003
citations & references:
None at the present
Jerry is from the Klamath Falls Tribe, born in Klamath Falls, Oregon in the mid-'60s. It is believed that around 1968 Jerry/Tina worked at The Pied Piper 1217 SW Stark Street as well as working as a performer at the Club Northwest [then Magic Gardens] just around the corner of the Demas Tavern/Darcelle XV Showplace where “special shows were Friday and Saturday nights at 10, Sundays at 9 and 11:30. In 1969 Jerry as Tina made her way into the Demas Tavern to ‘freshen up’ and through time struck up a friendship with Walter W Cole/Darcelle. Jerry/Tina asked Walter to come to see him perform at Club Northwest and in a short period, he had Walter on stage performing the song People. Late 1969 or early 1970 Walter and Tina started doing 15-minute sets on a 4 x 8 tabletop at Demas Tavern and soon the show expanded to include Walter’s partner Roc Neuhart and the “Trio” was born.
In the early 1990s health issues forced Tina to give up the regular eight-show-a-week performance schedule. Though, he would make ‘special’ appearances for Walter and Roxy’s annual birthday shows, Poison Waters & Penny Michaels Glitz Glamor & Comedy Shows as well as a regular New Years Eve featured performer. Tina was always a show stopper for these events.
New Years Eve 1999, Tina announced her retirement from the stage, though again, if a special occasion required, she would find her way to the stage.
In 1999 as a tribute to all of Tina’s support, dedication and hard work, was presented by the La Femme Magnifique International Board of Governor’s agreed to, and did present Tina Sandells the title “Honorary La Femme Magnifique International”.
Tina’s final stage performance came in November 2002 for Darcelle XV’s 72nd Birthday show. Tina was smuggled into Darcelle XV Showplace, unbeknownst to Darcelle. The showgirl cast applied Tina’s makeup, styled her hair and outfitted her with a wardrobe. Ricky Fox and Misha Rockafeller carried Tina up the dressing room stairs and when it was her time to perform, she did a nine-minute medley of her most recognized performances – a total surprise to Darcelle.
In one of Tina’s last conversations with Penny Michaels who had a thirty-year friendship with Tina, Tina said:
Thanks to Darcelle & Roxy I have had a flie, done things, seen places and met persons most people only dram or fantasize about. I have let noting sand in my way. I’ve done what I wanted to do. If what Auntie Mame said was true, “Life is a banquet and mot poor songs of bitches are starving to death, then I have gorged myself. Darcelle XV and the La Femme’s Magnifique International bestowed a title on me that means more than words can say. I have been the Toast of the Town. I have been loved by some and hated by others. Now I am at peace with my destiny and when my time comes, I will go without regrets. I have had it all.