Dec 2, 1912 - Jul 17, 1964
650 seat theater
More information check out: Circle Theater | Oregon Theater Project (
Per article in the newspaper Northwest Gay Review, June 1977 written by W Holman “A Gay History – lest it be forgotten” sheds many stories on gay life from World War II to Stonewall. “Close to the roar of printing presses was a dimly lit Rathskeller. The Circle and Capitol Theaters were between Broadway and the river; their balcony-smoker sections were like chessboards whereon a queen could move in any direction to take a check pawn or knight, bishop, or king. Nearby was the Backstage with drag shows – and Lucien – in the upstairs Music Hall. The fame of both Backstage and Music Hall was widely known to “that percentage in the know;” their demise became more widely known when in ’49 a gust from City Hall toppled their purpose Lee-ward. The Rathskeller evolved into the Rhumba Room. It too was toppled – more likely from the play in the john than the show on stage.
Per the U.S.A Confidential by Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer, “most Portland queers hang out in Lownsdale Park, or meet each other around the Circle Theater…” page 131
Among other interesting aspects of the Circle Theater was its presence in the LGBT community. According the the 1999 Portland Gay History Walking Tour the Circle Theater was a popular place for gay men to socialize and meet in peace without being harassed or worse; arrested (14).
Unfortunately, you would not be able to visit this theater on the Gay History Tour today as it was demolished on July 17th, 1964 along with all the other buildings on the block, from the corner of Washington & Fourth to Alder & Fourth (15).
· 14. "Order of Demolition," Auditors Office, July 17th, 1964. The City of Portland Oregon.
· 15. "1999 Gay History Walking Tour," GLPAN,
Notice the Blue Mouse Theater is just north of The Circle Theater.