Bars, Restaurants, & Taverns
1201 SW Twelfth 503-224-5060
Years: 1991-1993
Located in Century Tower – erected in 1966.
Captain’s Corner – straight 1960s to 1990
TACS 1991 – 1993
Possibly 1201 club 1994
Captains Corner – 1995
Brazill Grill - 2022
Ad in the Capitol Forum newspaper December 1991
Per Facebook post, Vince Young I believe it was Captains Corner when they bought it and changed the name, comprised of their initials. Telesflores Archaletta Carl Smith. T A C S
citations & references:
Cited in the MAPS section of the Alternative Connection, page 23 December 1991
1992, January issue of Alternative Connection, page 19 there is a photo Carl and Archie, owners of TACS and Starky’s prop up Roni as the camera clicks away.
First listed in Damron Address Book, 1995, (WC), strippers Wed-Sun. home bar of NLA
Not listed in Damron Address Book 1996 or thereafter
Per Oregon Leather History Timeline page 97 February 11, 1994 “NLA switches home bar from Dirty Duck to Captain’s Corner (1201 SW 12th)
Per an Oregonian article written by Grant Butler, 2019
Captain's Corner This fancy downtown restaurant got its start at Southwest Madison and Fourth Avenue in the early 1960s, before moving to Southwest 12th Avenue. The menu focused on old-school favorites like lobster Thermidor, oysters Rockefeller and grilled lamb chops.
IT APPEARS: Carl and Archie turned Captains Corner into TACS then moved out to SE Powell with Pal's on Powell (per an ad that says Carl and Archie are there at Pals on Powell - 1986] then they purchased/took over Starkeys on SE Stark Street.