Bars, Restaurants, & Taverns
Per website Sambo’s was founded in 1957 and experienced healthy growth on the West Coast. There were over 1,100 locations open by the late 1970s.
See Camp: In the early days (1970-72), our late-night food joints were: Sambos (NW corner of West Burnside and 23rd (for years after it closed a real estate office- Barbara Sue Seal was at this location see above ). It was first called "Little Black Sambos," but changed after people became more sensitive to the racist imagery and associations.
Note there was a restaurant called Lil Black Sambos! From Baker’s Dozen Column, Oregon Journal May 6, 1971 [below Left] Want ad in Oregon Journal July 10, 1969 [Below RIght]
Again, back in August 28, 1963 look at this article in The Oregon Journal [Below Left]. Have a cup of coffee? See ad in The Oregon Journal ad March 10, 1970 [see Below Right]
2275 W Burnside
[939 E Burnside was Denny’s are you sure this wasn’t Denny’s?]
Years: 1968 [?] – 1972?
Sambo’s wasn’t gay but many people that were hung out at the business.
citations & references:
Cited in The Portland Scribe, June 23-29, 1977 LIVE MUSIC also ad under banner Scribe Bar-Tavern-Restaurant Guide
Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1978 under Bars/Clubs with no notation but a note: (“New Ritz Disco’ in rear]
Not listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1979 or thereafter