Bars, Restaurants, & Taverns


 949 SW Stark
All businesses in this location:

Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club Years: 1956-1959

Pantley’s Pagan Hut  1959-1960

Bali Hai 1960-1962

Showcase 1962

Julie’s 1963

Michael’s Steak House 1963

Riptide 1964-1973


Photo taken 1967 

Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club

Years: 1956-1959

Oregonian October 9, 1956, page 54 [article above]

The owner was Tony Rosini per Oregon Journal January 3, 1958, page 6.

Ad to the right is from The Oregonian July 6, 1956, page 20

Ad to the LEFT from The Oregonian November 2, 1956, page 45

Changed name to Rosini’s Supper Club as indicated in Ad ABOVE in The Oregon Journal August 2, 1957, page 8.

However, the next Ad BELOW in The Oregon Journal March 27, 1959, page 14 it was again just “Rosini’s”

Article in the Oregon Journal October 17, 1958, “After Dark: Rosini remodeling includes spacious new lounge” - BELOW. Not included, but in an article in The Oregon Journal on November 21, 1958, page 12, “Tony is celebrating his first anniversary…”

Three articles appeared, and included below. FAR LEFT, in The Oregonian December 19, 1959, page 27; Middle where Pantley’s changed the name to Pantley’s Pagan Hut with new managers, in The Oregon Journal, February 4, 1960, page 41; and FAR RIGHT in The Oregon Journal, March 16, 1960.

Pantley’s Pagan Hut  949 SW Stark [formerly Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club]

Years: 1959-1960

Bali Hai 949 SW Stark [formerly Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club, Pantley’s/Pantley’s Pagan Hut]

Years: 1960

BELOW LEFT: Pantley’s changed name to Bali Hai per the August 30, 1960 article in The Oregonian. BELOW RIGHT - Ad in The Oregonian newspaper, Sept 5, 1960.

Showcase 949 SW Stark [formerly Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club, Pantley’s/Patnley’s Pagan Hut, Bali Hai]

Years: 1962

In 1962 per The Oregonian September 11, 1962, “At the Showcase – that used to be the Bali Hai. The ‘entertainers’ are Lee Leonard and his female impersonators”- Undetermined how long the Showcase lasted. Ads and articles ran from Aug 22 – Sept 11). BELOW LEFT, an article in The Oregon Journal August 17, 1962, Page 7 states the nationally famous Jewel Box Revue (female impersonators) is booked. MIDDLE is an ad in The Oregonian August 18, 1962, Page 6; FAR RIGHT ad in The Oregonian August 20, 1962, Page 21.

An article in The Oregon Journal August 21, 1962 Page 9, LEFT cites that the Jewel Box Revue they would not be appearing, even though ads declared, “Opening tonight at the Showcase – Jewel Box Revue’. Quickly a new ad appeared in The Oregon Journal August 24, 1962, FAR RIGHT - Lee Leonards “Worlds FOREMOST Female Impersonators would appear. The Oregonian in it’s September 11, 1962 issue stated, “At the Showcase – that used to be the Bali Hai  The ‘entertainers’ are Lee Leonard and his female impersonators”

Ads and articles ran from Aug 22 – Sept 11, 1962 and then they disappeared. See ads below.

Julie’s Club – 949 SW Stark [formerly Showcase, Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club, Pantley’s/Pantley’s Pagan Hut, Bali Hai]

YEARS: 1963

Per article in the Oregonian February 19, 1963 page 13, the space is now known as Julie’s Club.

Per article in Oregon Journal March 1, 1963, page 3.

Michael’s Steak House 949 SW Stark Street [formerly Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club, Pantley’s/Pantley’s Pagan Hut, Bali Hai, Showcase and Julie’s Club]

YEARS: 1964

More research is needed on this business.


The name had changed to The Riptide on June 24, 1964, per The Oregonian. The new owner was Johnnie Honegger well known for his ownership of the Harbor Club which had ceased operations earlier.

THE RIPTIDE: 949 S.W. Stark [formerly Rosini’s/Rosini’s Supper Club, Pantley’s/Pantley’s Pagan Hut, Bali Hai, Showcase, Julie’s Club, Michaels Steak House]

YEARS: 1964 - 1972

Per Doug Baker’s Book, Guide to Portland published in 1965, he cites in his Nightlife, What Nightlife? “Within a few year,s one of Portland’snightspotst has operated as Rosini’s, the Bali Hai, the Showc,ase and Julie’s. As this book goes to press, the city’s largest nightery is dark, in the hands of the tax collectors. Such are the hazards of nightclub operation.

Then in 1965 - Oregon Journal July 9, 1965, page 5

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