SE Stark Street between 28th/29th
Years: 1986-1988
May 1986 – Per notes by David Grant Kohl, author of A Curious and Peculiar People Out of the Closet – “Thrift Store managed by Fred Menard of Phoenix Rising opened at 2857 SE Stark – next to Starkey’s 3. The thrift shop was to benefit the gay and lesbian community and non-profits.”
Later the space would be used by Dragon Fly Imports and Glass Haus Gardens (2022) https://www.glasshausgardens.com/contact-us
Below Left, City Week newspaper announced plans on February 21, 1986 article. Below Middle, Just Out newspaper on March 1986 also announced store opening. Below Right, June 1, 1986, Just Out in the Volunteers section placed an ‘ad’ for volunteers.
Above article from City Week, February 20, 1987 states that the store was vandalized.
Side article in the Oregon Gay News states the reason “Out of the Closet” is closing.