Bars, Restaurants, & Taverns


Places of Pride – LGBTQIA+ Historical Landmarks | ( Other Inn Deemed as Portland’s first “leather bar,” the Other Inn was run by Mama Bernice, who was beloved by her customers for taking in houseless youth in the queer community and providing them with jobs. Former Location: 242 SW Alder, Portland, OR. On the same webpage: Gay Community Center  Located above the Other Inn, the Gay Community Center was opened in 1972 by the Second Foundation. Due to financial issues, it was closed just six months after opening and was replaced by a parking garage.  Former Location: 242 SW Alder, Portland, OR 

Below Left is an ad that invites you to “Meet” Mama Bernice a beloved bartender and “Mother” to young and old gay people during this time. This ad is from The Columns Northwest Newspaper [a Seattle, WA based newspaper]in July 1968. Mama Bernice had her own bar at 1228 S.W. Third which she ran from 1962-closing in 1965. It is not clear when she moved to the Other Inn but here is the first ad found in 1968 where she was there. Princess Royale voting was held here as well. See poster Below Right.

January 1972 Vector Magazine from SFO states: San Francisco Scene Bay Area Invades Portland Festivities By Bob Ross    

The Bay Area descended on Portland in mid-November for the coronation of the fourteenth Rose Empress. Most of the hardy travelers drove up (due to excess Royal baggage) in groups of 3 and 4 (cars, that is). It is a long (10-12 hours) drive and being all freeway, little or no scenery along the way. Coming from the other direction were the delegations from Canada and Seattle. Needless to say, the Hotel Hoyt (a fully restored Victorian edifice) was just not quite ready. After all the luggage was stowed and the road grime washed away, we went out to sample Portland’s night life. Our hosts had prepared a fun itinerary for us.  Most of the bars serve beer and wine and close at one o’clock, then the masses descend on the only liquor bar, the RIPTIDE, for nightcaps and dancing.  A sample of one afternoon and evening is  as follows: a nice spaghetti buffet at ZORBA, THE GREEK’S, and then down to catch the show at  ORLEAN’S ALLEY — a fun show, presided over by MISS SCARLETT O’HARA and THE CHOCOLATE DELIGHT, and then ‘off to ROM.AN’S for a delightful get-together with our hosts, Steve and Kim. The bartenders here roller skate behind the bar — Talk about fast service!  We then wandered over to the OTHER INN  where “Mama” had a huge buffet laid out for us. It was here that DIZZY DIKI, of HANS OFF fame,  received a ring (diamonds galore) from his many friends in Portland for his many fine charities both there and here . . . kudos.  Next stop was DEMAS’ TAVERN and another great show by the fabulous  “Darcelle.” Talk about rhinestones, this person is covered in them from head to foot. We understand there is a contest going to guess the weight of “Darcelle’s” rhinestones . . .good luck!  After this, we all wound — up back at the RIPTIDE for drinks and dancing. Sunday afternoon was the scene of feverish activity as last-minute preparation and rehearsals took place in the ballroom of the Hoyt. Finally the evening rolled around and the Ball got under way. First came the Court of the REGENT CZARINA, VANESSA - all turned-out in various modes of Barbarian costume. This was followed by an interlude of dancing. Then came the entertainment portion, with the entertainers of Portland beautifully assisted by guests from Vancouver, Seattle, and our own ALLAN LLOYD (from the P.S. show) and J.J. VAN DYCK. This was followed by the processions of visiting Royalty and their  PORTLAND – ROSE Courts, the EMPRESS OF CANADA, LYNN, and her Court; EMPRESS BOBBIE of Seattle and entourage, then the EMPRESS CRISTAL with her court — representing the Peninsula, San Jose’ and the Privy Council. Finally, the formal coronation of the new Empress, TRACEY ST. JAMES, the 14th Rose, Empress of the Inland Empire.” 

Below Left is a portion of a map and ad from The Fountain 1971. Ad Below Left is from December 1972.    

Ad Below Left is from 1973. Ad Below Middle is on page 16 “Official Passport The Portland Forum November 4, 1973.Ad Below Right is from the NW Gay Review March 1974. The ad states ‘featuring goodies from the Leather Loft” which is believed to be part of Victory Leather. See RETAIL.

Below Left ad date and source unknown. Below Right ad was placed in Mardi Gras [Crown Prince/Princess Royal Ball] program May 23, 1976.    

Below Left and middle ads date and source unknown, possibly early 1970s. Below Right: This appears to reference the 1st anniversary of the Knights of Malta being at the Other Inn – maybe? If that’s true it would have been 1972.

Below front and back of the Other Inn Tavern “poker chip”.

Cascade Voice newspaper cited in their August 1982 issue: FAREWELL O.I.!

A Fond Farewell. The Other Inn is Portland institution (for more years than many of us care to remember) is closing is doors at the end of August. We at Cascade Voice wish to thank Jim Franz and his fine staff for their great service to the community for these many years. We wish Jim and all the employees much success in whatever their ventures might be.

The building that housed the Other Inn succumbed to Urban Renewal.

Below Left photo is believed to be from the Other Inn, date unknown. Below Right photo date unknown.

242 S.W. Alder

Years: 1964-August 1982

Owner: Jim Frantz – it is unclear if Mama Bernice owned this bar or not.

Ad in Northwest Gay Review December 1976-January 1977 

citations & references:

  • GLAPN archives records indicate that The Other Inn as Portland’s first leather bar, launched in ’64 on SW Alder between Second and Third. ALSO PER GLPAN it states, “Portland’s first documented leather bar was The Other Inn, owned by Jim Frantz, and later sold to Mama Bernice. [This has not been verified] “

  • Per City Week, Portland Oregon February 14, 1986, “Cover Story – Passing of Friend Saddens Gay Community” “in 1965 [Mama Bernice] began working at The Other Inn on Alder Street. Mama Bernice tended bar at the Other Inn for 17 years until its closing in 1982…during her tenure at The Other Inn and the Dirty Duck were home bars to the Portland Chamber of the Knights of Malta.”

  • Per David Grant Kohl’s book A Curious and Peculiar People page 196, “was very popular, located on SE Alder (should be SW) near Grand Oasis and Dahl & Penne’s. Mama Bernice tended bar there from 1964 until it closed in 1982 when the Chambers building was torn down.  ALSO in the same book page 197 – “The Other Inn closed after 10 years (1981) being known as the only bar in the city where you had to wipe your feet when going outside. Supposedly, recreational drug use there was so commonplace that one could snort coke off the reside atop the urinals. The other Inn was ‘decorated’ with successive layers of holiday decorations, never taken down from the previous season.”

    ·[Note: Mama Bernice attended bar at Dinty Moore’s [owned by her parents in 1949) then Mama Bernice’s then The Other Inn, then finally at Gayle’s Dirty Duck – Gayle was her daughter]

  • 1971 The Fountain calendar, December “Dec 6 Mon Other Inn: Start of the contest to “Guess Mama’s Measurements Contest” Prizes and fun. And Dec 10 Friday Other Inn: Finish of the “Guess Mamas Measurements Contest” Prizes and fun. 

  • Listed in GAY PLACES 1971 International Guild Guide – telephone number: 227-9019 with the connotations of B,G,H – Beer, Hustlers, Gay

  • Mentioned in The Oregon Journal article, Thursday, August 31, 1972, “Among other bars that cater to the homosexual crowd are the Embers, Red Room at Dahl & Penne’s, the other Inn, Half Moon Tavern, Pink Cat, Club Northwest and Zorba’s The Greek.”

  • Listed in Guild Guide 1973 USA & International.

  • Listed in Bars and Taverns PORTLAND The Fountain 1973Ad in d in Darcelle XV Green Book of 1973

  • Cited in The Golden Businesses of our community – The Golden Awards Ball – Sunday, January 21, 1973

  • Cited in I Love Portland “A Guide To the Portland Court System and Its Organizations” 1976 a booklet stated, “another public service of Tom Terrific”

  • “The Other Inn was a sleazy, pool bar in downtown Portland with nasty drag queens playing pool with greasy leather-clad dudes. I received a bit too much attention, scared the shit out of me….”