Years: unknown

“A Publication of the Portland Gay Liberation Communications Center”

Not much information has been found about this publication. More research is needed.

Below Top - possibly from November 1975 issue. Below Bottom: The Oregon Liberator June 1972

Both are from http://www.tyleralpern.com/regionalindex1.html :

OREGON LIBERATOR June 1972 issue of "The Oregon Liberator: A Publication of the Portland Gay Liberation Communications Center" headlined "SPECIAL 1972 GAY PRIDE WEEK ISSUE" with accompanying short article. A stapled newsletter containing eight pages. Contents include:

*news items of interest to the Portland gay community;

*short story "The Butterflies: A Fairy Tale" by Ralph Schaffer;

*report "PSU [Portland State University] Poll Reveals Homophobia on Decline";

*short news item "Stonewall [the nation's first Gay Residential Treatment Center] Refused Access to Walla Walla [Prison]";

*poetry; newspaper article reprints out of Walla Walla, San Francisco, and Seattle; community resources.

Fall 1972 issue of "The Oregon Liberator: A Publication of the Portland Gay Liberation Communications Center." A stapled newsletter containing eight pages. Contents include:

*news items of interest to the Portland gay community (including an upcoming talk by the Socialist Workers Party Vice-Presidential candidate Andrew Pulley, with photo; "Jim Owles Visits Oregon" [founder of the Gay Activists Alliance]; others);

*letter from a gay inmate at the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem ("Any inmate caught or 'suspected' of engaging in homosexual acts are sent to segregation and isolation - the 'hole' - for 90 days. 'Homosexual acts' include holding hands, kissing, or standing 'too close' to another inmate. Gay inmates are denied jobs that don't have close supervision...I was denied a job as Chaplain's Clerk because there isn't a guard stationed in the prison chapel");

*newspaper article reprints ("Homosexuality said reason for denial of inmate's parole"; "Women's Prison"; "Expert Says 'Gays' Biggest Minority"; "Lesbian [author Sidney Abbott] admits 'men are human beings'"; "Homosexual Fights for Teaching Job");

*poetry; recent publications; community resources.

citations & references:

The Oregon Liberator (Gay Liberation Front/Portland, Portland, OR) [newsletter]: June 1972; Fall 1972; June 1973. | ArchivesSpace Public Interface (wilcoxarchives.org)

The Oregon Liberator, Portland Gay Libertarian Communications Committee (Portland, OR) , 1972 | CSUF UA&SC and LDCOPH Finding Aids (fullerton.edu)

CRL | Holdings: The Oregon liberator.