Years 1982-1984 ?
Little is known of this theatre group possibly because it was run by Harrison Pierce who was named as producer with no acknowledgement of the group's existence. See Harrison Pierce under theatre. It is believed that the company produced four shows and per the article below was noted as “Oregon’s only gay theatre”. Harrison began his career as an actor in Portland in 1979 and left Portland in 1985.
For information also see JR’s Cell plays in theatre
citations & references:
1983 - Jim W. Lowell’s Richmond Jim - JR Cell
1984 - Doric Wilson’s West Street Gang - JR Cell
1984 - Robert Chelsey’s Stray Dog Story - JR West Upstairs
1984 - Kevin Berry’s East Side Clinic - JR West Upstairs
Article below is from July 1984 in the Just Out Newspaper.