The Court of Athena

Cited in I Love Portland “A Guide To the Portland Court System and It’s Organizations” 1976 a booklet stated, “another public service of Tom Terrific” Within the period of one short year, The Women’s Court of Athena has come on strong as a sound working organization in the Port land area. Led by Kay Allison, Athena, the membership of 15 has already begun extensive charity drives, unified the many women of Portland, and supported the main Courts goals. In December they held an auction and out of the proceeds gave Christmas presents and dinners to needy families. In February, they held a “Steak Dinner” and gave a donation to the Jewish Home for preschool children. Their objective is to get more women out activities, and to participate as much as  land area. For more information and membership contact: Geri Quiriconi 5637 N. Greely Ave Portland, Oregon 97217.

citations & references:

  • Per above Calendar listing, Portland Sun. April 11, 1976 - Court of Athena- Side Show; again on the Sun. April 18 there were various listing for this organization.

  • Calendar listing June 1977 issue of Northwest Gay Review page 9 under Portland Plans Many Events “On the following evening, June 22, the Court of Athena will sponsor a spagehetti feed and kegger at Zorba the Greeks (626 SW Park) at 7:00 pm.”

  • Per the book A Curious and Peculiar People by David Grant Kohl, “The Court of Athena, founded in August, held their coronation in October. The club is legally registered as the women’s court of Athena. It is basically a social organization whose proceeds are donated to charity.