Ad in the Oregon Journal newspaper, January 1950 notice, “And a host of gay vaudevillians!”
Per article in the newspaper Northwest Gay Review, June 1977 written by W Holman “A Gay History – lest it be forgotten” sheds may stories on gay life from World War II to Stonewall. “Close to the roar of printing presses was a dimly lit Rathskeller. The Circle and Capitol Theaters were between Broadway and the river; their balcony -smoker sections were like chessboards whereon a queen could move in any direction to take a check pawn or knight, bishop, or king.
The Capitol changed name to The Blue Mouse in 1958.
Per “Capitol Theater, 626 S.W. Fourth. Another popular gay male cruising location which had a balcony section for gay men. It was located one block south of the Circle.”