Oral Histories

This is by no means everything on this subject, we will continue to research and update.

citations & references:

Archives West: Gay and lesbian history collection, 1968-2014 (orbiscascade.org) http://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:/80444/xv10913

Separated Materials

The following audio tapes have been transferred to the Oral History collections at the Oregon Historical Society:

  • audiocasette: "They'll Get You Anyway" (Linda and the Family Values Band) and "I'm A Teacher" (Nan Collie and Maureen Kelly) for No On 9, ca. 1992.

  • audiocasette: "The Miracle" with business card and unidentified flyer.

  • audiocasette: "Nancy Nixon" (oral history), n.d.

  • audiocasette: "M-K party held at Sarah's Dec. 30, 1972"

  • audiocasette: "Frank Wall talking to Charlene Myers" n.d.

  • audiocasette: "Rita Mae" otherwise unidentified conversation with Rita Mae Brown

  • audio reel tape: "What Is Communism/Social Security in the USSR" printed on label; "3 3/4 Abortion - 30 min" and "This tape for Gary" handwritten on label

  • audio reel tape: unidentified, box bears label "Radio Free People" and a New York City address

  • audio reel tape: Feminist Radio Network on box; "The Minister" labeled on tape reel

  • audio reel tape: Feminist Radio Network on box; "Lesbian Mothers" labeled on tape reel

  • audio reel tape: Melody Magnetic Tape 166 on box; bottom side panel reads "10/6/71 V.J. Fried Cross Cultural Patterns Sexuality"

Video materials have been transferred to the Moving Image collections at the Oregon Historical Society:

  • "The City Nightclub", a documentary by Gregory Franklin, 1996

Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest

The Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest (GLAPN) was established in Portland, Oregon, by Tom Cook in the early 1990s. Since then, the organization has collected archival materials and oral histories from organizations and individuals active in lesbian and gay issues in the Portland area and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Portland State University students gathered many of these oral histories, spanning from the late 1990s to the present.
