Lincoln Hall – Portland State University
1620 SW Park Years: 1952-present
citations & references:
Circa 1952 PSU – Men’s restroom per U.S.A Confidential per Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer “There is a fairy club in Lincoln High School…” page 131
[Jack Lait and Lee Mortimer mentioned Lownsdale Park, Lincoln High School, and the Circle Theatre in their book U.S.A. Confidential published in 1952, on page 131 they write, You’d hardly expect it in this supposed-to-be land of hairy chests, but Portland has a considerable homosexual population. Man aren’t mincing effeminates, either, as you soon realize when you see rugged loggers who prefer boys. There’s a fairy club in Lincoln High School, but most of the Portland’s queers hang out in Lownsdale Square, or meet each other around the Circle Theatre.]
1952 Lincoln High School 1620 SW Park cruisy-school gay
1955-present gay Portland State University- Cramer Hall 1721 SW Broadway cruisy-school