Bars, Restaurants, & Taverns
Quickly, an ad ran in The Oregon Journal on October 26, 1941 page 13 announcing the opening. See Below Left. Below Right A matchbook cover from Leonard's Bachelor Grille, from the collection of George Painter
Photo to the Above Right is a 2021 view of 610 SW Oak which is in the current Wells Fargo building – corner of SW 6th and Oak. – notice the Benson Hotel one block west. Below Left is a Want ad, February 9, 1941, in the Oregon Journal, page 28 [ ad ran off-on through 1941 as the offices of the Veterans State Aid Commission were located at 615 SW Oak. Soon after a Building permit was announced in the Oregon Journal Oregon Journal October 6, 1941 see Below Right.
15 S.W. Oak
Years: Opened Monday, October 27, 1941 – 1943 - 1944 [?]
Below are two ads for help. Want ad in Oregon Journal July 25, 1942, Left; and Want ad in Oregon Journal June 14, 1943, Right.
Article in the Oregon Journal October 7, 1944 – Leonard’s Inc. was no longer a restaurant but a cigar store. Below Right, per article in Oregon Journal October 20, 1944 it appears that there was a Leonard’s Café in Vanport City, not the same as Leonard’s in downtown.
History – unclear. Per the GLPAN website: probably open no more than a couple of years, because it’s not listed in the 1943/44 city directory.) This is an intriguingly named restaurant, undoubtedly designed for unmarried men. However, that clientele would provide opportunities for same-sex cruising and development of friendships of gay men.
It should be stated that nothing has been found to suggest that any ‘activity’ happened here. Except that the only ad ran said “Leonard’s Bachelor Grill”