1998       # 17

1998 # 2 La Femme Plus

1998 # 1 Beau Brummel [May 17, 1998]

Place: Montgomery Park

Date:  Sept 6

Theme:  Under the Big Top “The Greatest Show on Earth”

Hostess for the evening: Darcelle XV and Roxy LeRoy


La Femme Magnifique XVII Tasha lee       Las Vegas

Second Annual  Plus La Femme Magnifique Plus II Rosa Marie Sugarbaker                             

1st Annual  Beau Brummell   Colin Bremmner

Both quotes are from Our Town 9-14-1998 newspaper “quite a mix: a professor of sociology, a retired Avon Lady, a golf course operator, a person named Coq au Vin, a psychotherapist, a retired infertility nurse, a retired realtor, a former stewardess, and travel agent and a doctor.” And, Snicker’s LaBarr was cited as saying, ”There’s more foam rubber here than in a mattress factory.”