1965 [or 1966] – Fall Ball first ball produced by the Pruitts was the FALL BALL 1966.

Per the Alternative Connection, page 19, October 1991 – A BIT OF COURT HISTORY by Philip Staley: “Things became too quiet following the demise of Transylvania, so without warning, in a little house secluded amongst the trees of Upper College Drive, another group of ambitionists plotted to take Portland out of the twilight into the Day. The Pruitts emerged and began plans for a Halloween Ball to be held at– Beaver Hall, entitled “Road to Ruin” and it did.”

Per an article in The City Open Press page 14 October 25-November 21, 1985: The Imperial Sovereign Rose Court of Oregon, “In a house on upper College Drive, a group of individuals met…from this chalet in Portland’s “swish alps,” The Pruitts of Portland was formed…the year was now 1966.  The Pruitts staged their first ever show at Beaver Hall on Halloween night [Monday, October 31, 1966]. It was entitled, “The Road to Ruin.”

Each production henceforth brought out a queen of the ball, chosen by a panel of both judges and audience participation.”

Through research, it appears that during each ball, a new queen would be crowned but called Queen or Rose Queen and, in the spring, six months later another ball, another crown was placed on another person’s head but in the spring, they would be called Princess Royale. The way to become a Queen or Princess Royal was to dress up, walk to a chair, sitting, then standing. The prettiest one that did this or the one who stayed in the chair the longest won the tiara and was crowned "Queen for A Day" (that’s partially where the "Rose Queen" title emerged from). There were no other requirements – no talent, nothing.

Where: Beaver Hall [later to become the Tom Kat Theatre] produced by the Pruitts which per the 1977 by W Holman for the Northwest Gay Review in A Gay History, lest it be forgotten.  Cited on page 3 of the Special Issue] is the Pruitts first ball/show and it was the 1966 Fall Ball.

Date: Halloween [1966] [Per the 1977 article by W Holman for the Northwest Gay Review in A Gay History, lest it be forgotten.  Cited on page 3 of the Special Issue and it is cited that the Mistress of Ceremonies was Miss Ira.]

Theme:  Road to Ruin

Crowned:  Queen VIII Rose [later changed to Rose Empress III Rose]

Monarch's History (rosecourt.org)1965 - Spring Ball - Road to Ruin - “The Pruitts first function entitled "Road to Ruin" witnessed the crowning of Rose (who previously claimed the title of Rose I and II) as Rose Queen III at the Spring Ball in 1965.” [notice the discrepancy with dates.

The Rosecourt website states “Per At the Fall Ball in the same year, Erland was crowned Rose Queen IV.” Note the year stated is 1965 whereas newspapers and others state 1966].

1966 Queen VII [Queens II through VII Queens II through VII are listed in court records but are to remain anonymous, forever [Per the 1977 article by W Holman for the Northwest Gay Review in A Gay History, lest it be forgotten.  Cited on page 3 of the Special Issue that the Pruitts didn’t start staging balls until 1966 for their Fall Ball – but to use the Imperial Sovereign Rose Court’s history – this date works.

Where: Beaver Hall

Date: Possibly the 1966 Spring Ball – but again, per the 1977 article by W Holman for the Northwest Gay Review in A Gay History, lest it be forgotten. Cited on page 3 of the Special Issue that the Pruitts didn’t start staging balls until 1966 for their Fall Ball]. The first was held at Beaver Hall [later to become the Tom Kat Theatre] called The Fall Ball 1966 with a theme Road to Ruin and Erland was crowned Rose Queen IV. [see above for the Queen numbering 1966 Queen VII].


Crowned: Erland was crowned Rose Queen IV Per Monarch's History (rosecourt.org)  

[photo taken at the Hoyt Hotel’s Roaring 20s Room]

OR WAS THIS THE FIRST FORMAL BALL IN PORTLAND? It is unclear through a lot of research, but it might be that Mama Bernice’s Sweetheart Ball 1966 was the first established drag ball in Portland was being held [two photos from Mama Bernice’s Sweetheart Ball 1966 seen below]. This ball was not part of the Imperial Sovereign Rose Court but is placed here for historical purposes.

Date: February 1966

Place: unknown

Who produced Mama Bernice’s Sweetheart Ball is undetermined, but it is stated that the Fall Ball was the first produced by the Pruitts. They decided on having a Spring and Fall Ball themed ‘drag’ balls, a beauty contest for female impersonators.