Above article - source unknown.
Kaleidoscope [Multnomah Cable Access Community Television] interview with Frank Breall about Jelly Bean Card Shop There is no date, but the video was shot at 802 SW 10tt. [Jelly Bean had two locations, 804 SW 10th 1968-1991** 721 SW 10th 1991-2014 before the Jelly Bean moved across the street]. Per Jeanie's email in 2021, “The shop had two doors. I took over a T-shirt shop that had been my next-door neighbor but never used the second door, you could only get in from the Jelly-Bean side. Then when I got rid of the clothing store, the whole shop became The Store for unusual gifts and cards. I kept the small store for the boy cards in the back. The Jelly-Bean side had the big card spinners with twelve spinners of birthday cards. the Lucite racks in the windows featured lots of hummer cards from lots of different artists, including the Far Side, and color photography from Palm Press, and I had a wall section inside that had a ton of postcards of famous old movie stars, Bruce Weber photos of men’s bodies [photographer for Calvin Klein, etc.], also Robert Maplethorpe.”
Oral interview with Frank and Annette Breall forthcoming