3680 Towle Ave Gresham Oregon 503-674-8992 (GS,NS,GO)
citations & references:
Infor from Details: “Forest Springs Bed and Breakfast sits nestled in the Gresham Buttes. On 3 acres with a parkland setting, we sit at the base of more than 2000 acres of forested open space. The English Cottage Home perched on a bluff well removed from the street was built in 1907. Originally part of the 1885 Land Grant to The Heiney Family, the Bed and Breakfast is now on the Local Gresham Historic Registry. Craftsman touches abound and all the common rooms are generous in size and comfort. In remodeling and decorating, we have honored the house's original nature while not forgetting modern life's comforts and convenience. All of our furnishings reflect the home's heyday from the twenties through the fifties. We have exceptional pieces of American Pottery and much of our furniture was imported from Paris and Barcelona. The grounds are always a work in progress. Adding to the abundance of Cedar, Fir, Chestnut, and native maples, we have added 15,000 daffodils, 60 rose bushes, and 30 Miniature Japanese Maples.”
· First listed in Damron’s Men’s Travel Guide 2007 Under: Accommodations
· listed in Damron’s Men’s Travel Guide 2010 Under: Accommodations