Years: 1972 – 1988
See Organizations/Gay Hotline for additional information. More research is needed, as it is possible that the Sexual Minorities Gay Hotline grew out of the Portland Gay Community Center back in 1972. This hotline was operated by the Counseling Center for Sexual Minorities. Note, as far back as the beginning of the first Portland Gay Community Center, there was a call-in service. Below Left is an article from The Fountain Newspaper, date needs to be verified. The article below Right is from The Oregonian A GAY COMMUNITY CATALOG April 6, 1975, written by Lanny Swerdlow states that the Portland Counseling Center for Sexual Minorities “provides hot-line”
The ad below is from the 1982 Imperial Sovereign Rose Court Program, page 3.
Above Left article in The Eagle Newspaper, June 1, 1985. Above Right, date unknown, flyer on services.
November 1988 newsletter LAST CHANCE TO DANCE Yes! It’s true. CCSM’s future is no longer dimly in doubt because of volunteers or finances, but is clearly out of business since U.W West Communications cut off service because of unpaid phone bills. The gay/lesbian hotline for Counseling Center for Sexual Minorities went out of business as of October 11. (1988) Below Left, is Caller Information Sheet from 1988. Below Right is an article from the Just Out newspaper, November 1988 about the possible closing.