

citations & references:

2003 Chuck Palahniuk mentioned XES in his book Fugitives and Refugees on page 114, Getting Off: How to Know Off a Piece in Portland “Located at 415 SW Thirteenth Avenue, XES is a private sex club for men. Inside is a maze of black-painted plywood with nonstop porno playing on monitors mounted overhead. Within the maze, you’ll find plenty of tiny rooms for privacy, plus a leather sex sling right in the middle of things. The only room with a bed is also wired with a video camera so the entire club can watch you in action. The club runs from 7 pm until 4:00 and has more than fifteen hundred members.”

• Cited on

Feb. 19, 2004:

[part of the article] “But the club owners have not stopped with voluntary guidelines. To help expand their efforts, Tom Lavoie, co-owner of Portland sex club Club XES, has agreed to invite all gay bar owners to a meeting with Dr. Oxman within the next month. Lavoie hopes the meeting will generate more ideas about how to encourage safer sex and the promotion of HIV/STD testing.

Yet, in spite of the headway being made, advocates within the gay community say that health officials are effectively putting out one fire while an inferno rages nearby: online chatrooms. Even the author for the study used to support regulations in LA admitted that more unsafe sex is being solicited online than in bars and sex clubs. In Portland, it's estimated that as many as 500 queer men visit chatrooms like each weekend night. These hook-ups happen in an environment completely void of any health warnings.

"Why is it that the people who seek to regulate sex never seem to have any clue where people are actually having sex?" asked one exasperated sex club owner.

 Ad in Just Out newspaper August 21, 1998

425 SW Thirteenth Ave (503) 226-6969
Years: 1998 - 2004 [dates are unclear]