There are many names for this portion of the broadcast section; public broadcast, cable access, public access, etc.
Wikipedia states: Public-access television was created in the United States between 1969 and 1971 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and has since been mandated under the Cable Communications Act of 1984.
It allowed for the following:
Public-access television
Educational-access television
Leased Access
In Oregon there were various places that these were happening mostly at colleges.
Three people used this medium to produce shows they were:
Snickers LaBarr
Walter W Cole/Darcelle - talk show host from Darcelle XV Showplace
Sister Paula as a television evangelist
BELOW LEFT - Cascade Voice newspaper advertising 1983 Lesbian & Gay Pride being telecast and BELOW RIGHT is a listing in the Alternative Connection newspaper, January 1992 “Broadcast of Note”