1744 Clackamas: 503-331-1104
SULLIVAN GULCH Bed and Breakfast 1994-2005
Atlantis Place - 2005 – 2007
Atlantis Place
Photo credit: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1744-NE-Clackamas-St-Portland-OR-97232/176555881_zpid/?
Cited in THE GUIDE Magazine www.guidemag.com October 2005 in article PORTLAND Oregon’s little gem page 30 Atlantis Place (1744 Clackamas: 503-331-1104 Also known by its previous name, Sullivan’s Gulch, is a historic bed-and-breakfast with four theme rooms, a massage studio, and spa amenities. There’s wireless internet access, and it’s a short walk to the convention center, light rail restaurants, and shops. Davis welcomes all welcomes all, and serves a delicious breakfast, too.
Below Left per https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_or/24881393 Below Right: Per Secretary of State of Oregon http://egov.sos.state.or.us/br/pkg_web_name_srch_inq.do_name_srch?p_name=&p_regist_nbr=24881393&p_srch=PHASE1&p_print=FALSE&p_entity_status=ACTINA