Various locations:
· 706 S.E. Grand 1973-1976
· 1533 E Burnside Street 1977-1978
· 1300 SW Washington 1978-1981
· 2349 SE Ankeny 236-3609 1981-1986
· 1431 NE Broadway – [same address as Dugan’s Stage Door] 1986-1990
Years: 1972 or 1973 – 1990
Should be noted that there was also A Woman’s Place Bookstore in Oakland Ca.
Right: In the May 1973 issue of The Fountain newspaper pages 9-15 listed various aspects of being a Lesbian and the bookstore, A Woman’s Place was featured twice.
Below: Ad in a forum for Changing Men, July 1977 – a monthly newspaper of the Men’s Resource Center, Portland, Oregon.
Photo and map from NW Fountain, October 1980 page 11.
Notice in NW Fountain March 1980
Left: Ad in the February 11, 1983, Cascade Voice newspaper
Left: Oregon Gay News, June 9, 1988
Right: Just Out, June 1990
citations & references:
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1976 under Book Store with notation G – Ladies or Ms. And with a different address: 706 S.E. Grand
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1977 under Book Store with notation G – Ladies or Ms. And with a different address: 1533 E Burnside Street and it states Woman’s Place not “A” with note: (Book Store)
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1978 under Book Store with notation G – Ladies or Ms. And with a different address: 1533 E Burnside Street and it states Woman’s Place not “A” with note: (Book Store)
·Not listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1980 until 1983
·Cited in Gay Areas Private Telephone Directory, Pacific Northwest Page 5 Winter 1981-82 under Resources with an address of 2349 SE Ankeny – 503-236-3609
·In the December 3, 1982, issue of Cascade Voice page 17 an article about the store: “A Woman’s Place Bookstore, located at 2349 SE Ankeny, has been providing a wide variety of services to the women’s community of Portland for the past 10 years. The bookstore is a non-profit and collectively run, meaning that a small group women make decisions on how the bookstore should be managed, based on a majority vote. The only paid staff member is the manager who coordinates and supervises the other volunteer staff members. Selection of women’s books, albums, posters, and other items that are offered for sale. Currently they are also stocking Gay men’s books and albums referrals and is to provide free information, referrals and help to women in crisis situations. Bulletin boards are provided for women to post requests for roommates, housing, jobs, rides, and any other reasonable request. A Woman’s Professional Board is provided for women to post business cards.
A ”Women only” reading room is papers and periodicals from all over the United States. A free lending library allows women to borrow books for a two-week period.
The profits from the bookstore are used to purchase more items to sell. Often the collective will vote to donate small amounts of money to women-oriented organizations. The bookstore is officially classified as “non-profit’ but it still has not received tax-exempt status.” [portion of article]
·Cited in Out and About 1983 booklet 2349 SE 24th
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1983 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1984 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1985 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1986 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Cited in City Week newspaper Feb 14, 1986, page 5 “Women, Bookstore, Resource Center.”
·In the City Open Press, February 14-March 13, 1986, page 12 “A WOMEN’S PLACE” For Thirteen Years Portland’s only non-profit feminist bookstore, A Woman’s Place, is celebrating its 13th year in business…at 2349 SE Ankeny. [partial article]
·In City Open Press, August/September 1986 – page 41 in Directory “A Woman’s Place 284-1110 1431 NE Broadway – Women, Bookstore, Resource Center
·Just Out, October 1986 article “A new look and a new life for A Woman’s Place Bookstore” by P M Scott - large article
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1987 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1988 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Ad in The Just Out Pocket Book June 1988 Page 16
·Listed in Damron Address Book/Address Guide 1989 with address of 2349 SE Ankeny
·Not listed in Damron Address Book 1990 or thereafter
·1990 Per Pat Young’s Sept 11, 2000, draft for GLAPNtimeline June After 17 years, A Woman’s Place Bookstore closes – unable to recover from a large debt and the debate between ideals and red ink.